6 Common Pitfalls That Could Be Killing Your Automotive PPC Campaign

PPC is an enormously powerful tool for auto dealerships, so you can already tell that this next sentence is going to begin with a qualifier. But it can be full of pitfalls that will trip up even the best and brightest dealerships. We know it’s insanely time consuming and frustrating to go into your automotive […]

5 Car Dealership Advertising Ideas to Blow Out Your Next Quota

When it comes to advertising, it can be hard to consistently come up with something that is both fresh and compelling, so you see a lot of the same thing from dealership to dealership. But when sales are sluggish, it becomes a bit more difficult to go with the same old campaigns and procedures. That’s […]

5 Automotive Video Marketing Tactics That Will Set Your Dealership Apart

Video isn’t exactly the next big thing, we’re not going to try to pretend that we invented the idea of marketing your dealership using video. But we think it’s fair to say that not all automotive video marketing is created equal. There is a lot of poor video content out there that isn’t doing anyone […]

How to Create an Automotive Dealership Marketing Plan – Steps 3 & 4

This is Step Three and Four of our Automotive Dealership Marketing Plan How-To Guide. If you haven’t read Step One or Step Two yet, we advise you go back to Step One: Market Research and read the whole guide.   STEP THREE: Tactics The research has been done, the analysis has been made. The strategies have […]