2018 Is The Year Of Mobile Car Marketing

Watching car shopping behavior in 2017 confirmed that mobile device use has forever changed how cars are sold. There’s no going back. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. New challenges bring new opportunities, and we want to share those opportunities with you. Here are the changes and trends that make 2018 the perfect year […]

How Do AMP Pages Change Your Customer Experience?

When AMP pages first came bursting in on the mobile search scene, they caused a huge uproar, but now they’re quietly defining our mobile experience. AMP pages were created to help address a problem that was preventing the boom of mobile search – poor mobile customer experience due to page speed. How exactly do mobile […]

5 Ways to Feed Your Automotive BDC With Qualified Leads

We’ve seen lot of complaints about car shoppers these days. They’re more fickle, picky, and demanding. They want more for less and they want it faster. We get it. The Age of the Consumer had brought sudden change to an industry that has been largely uninterrupted in terms of sales technique and dealership culture. Automotive […]

[UPDATED] The Top 4 Automotive Industry Trends of 2018

One of our first posts of 2018 was all about the trends that would define the automotive industry in 2018. As 2018 comes to a close, we’ve researched and reflected upon how these trends have truly changed the automotive industry landscape. Here are the top automotive industry trends that dominated and differentiated 2018:   Automotive […]